
Guidelines for Procurement

Welcome to the National Procurement Commission of Sri Lanka’s guidelines for procurement. These guidelines are designed to ensure transparency, fairness, and efficiency in the procurement process, in line with international best practices and the laws of Sri Lanka.

1. Procurement Principles

Our procurement process is guided by the following principles:

  • Transparency: All procurement processes are conducted openly and transparently, ensuring equal opportunities for all stakeholders.
  • Fairness: We treat all suppliers and contractors fairly and impartially, without favoritism or discrimination.
  • Accountability: We are accountable for our procurement decisions and actions, ensuring that public funds are used responsibly.
  • Efficiency: We strive for efficiency and effectiveness in the procurement process, maximizing value for money while minimizing costs and risks.
  • Integrity: We uphold the highest standards of integrity and ethical conduct in all our procurement activities, preventing corruption and fraud.

2. Procurement Procedures

Our procurement procedures are based on the following steps:

  • Needs Assessment: Identify the goods, works, or services required and assess the specific needs of the procuring entity.
  • Planning: Develop a procurement plan outlining the requirements, timeline, and budget for the procurement process.
  • Advertisement: Publish a notice inviting interested suppliers and contractors to participate in the procurement process.
  • Bid Evaluation: Evaluate bids based on predetermined criteria, such as price, quality, and compliance with technical specifications.
  • Contract Award: Award the contract to the successful bidder and notify all participants of the outcome.
  • Contract Management: Monitor the performance of the contract and ensure compliance with the terms and conditions.

3. Procurement Methods

We employ various procurement methods, including:

  • Open Tendering: All interested suppliers and contractors are invited to submit bids, ensuring maximum competition and transparency.
  • Restricted Tendering: Only prequalified suppliers and contractors are invited to participate in the bidding process, based on specific criteria.
  • Request for Proposals (RFP): Used for complex projects or services where technical expertise is required, allowing for negotiations with shortlisted bidders.
  • Single-Source Procurement: Used in exceptional circumstances where only one supplier or contractor is capable of meeting the requirements, subject to justification and approval.

4. Legal and Regulatory Framework

Our procurement activities are governed by the following laws and regulations:

  • The National Procurement Act: Provides the legal framework for public procurement in Sri Lanka, outlining the powers and responsibilities of the National Procurement Commission.
  • Procurement Guidelines: Issued by the National Procurement Commission, these guidelines provide detailed instructions and procedures for conducting procurement activities.
  • Standard Bidding Documents: Prescribed forms and templates used in the procurement process, ensuring consistency and compliance with legal requirements.

5. Complaints and Appeals

We have established mechanisms for handling complaints and appeals related to the procurement process. Suppliers and contractors who believe that the procurement process was unfair or unjust can submit a formal complaint or appeal for review by the appropriate authority.

6. Resources and Support

We offer resources and support to assist suppliers and contractors in navigating the procurement process, including:

  • Procurement Manuals: Detailed guides and manuals outlining the procurement procedures and requirements.
  • Training and Capacity Building: Workshops, seminars, and training programs aimed at enhancing the procurement skills and knowledge of stakeholders.
  • Helpdesk: A dedicated helpdesk to address inquiries and provide assistance to suppliers and contractors regarding the procurement process.