Anti-Corruption and Transparency (ACT)

Welcome to the Anti-Corruption and Transparency (ACT) page of the National Procurement Commission of Sri Lanka. Our ACT program is dedicated to promoting integrity, accountability, and transparency in public procurement processes to combat corruption and ensure the efficient and equitable use of public resources.

1. Mission

Our mission is to prevent and combat corruption in public procurement by implementing effective anti-corruption measures, promoting transparency and accountability, and fostering a culture of integrity and ethical conduct among procurement stakeholders.

2. Objectives

The objectives of the ACT program include:

  • Corruption Prevention: Implementing measures to prevent corruption, bribery, fraud, and other unethical practices in procurement processes.
  • Transparency Promotion: Enhancing transparency and openness in procurement activities to ensure equal access to information and opportunities for all stakeholders.
  • Accountability Enforcement: Holding individuals and entities accountable for their actions and decisions in procurement activities, ensuring compliance with laws, regulations, and ethical standards.
  • Whistleblower Protection: Providing protection and support for whistleblowers who report instances of corruption, fraud, or misconduct in procurement processes.
  • Capacity Building: Building the capacity of procurement officials, suppliers, contractors, and other stakeholders to recognize and address corruption risks and challenges effectively.

3. Programs and Activities

The ACT program implements various programs and activities to achieve its objectives, including:

  • Code of Conduct: Developing and implementing a code of conduct for procurement officials, suppliers, contractors, and other stakeholders to promote ethical behavior and integrity in procurement activities.
  • Integrity Pacts: Implementing integrity pacts or agreements between procuring entities and suppliers/contractors to enhance transparency, prevent corruption, and ensure fair and competitive procurement processes.
  • Anti-Corruption Training: Providing training and awareness programs on anti-corruption laws, regulations, and best practices to procurement officials and stakeholders to enhance their understanding of corruption risks and prevention measures.
  • Whistleblower Mechanism: Establishing a confidential mechanism for reporting corruption, fraud, or misconduct in procurement processes, ensuring the protection and anonymity of whistleblowers.
  • Compliance Monitoring: Conducting regular monitoring and audits of procurement processes and activities to detect and prevent corruption, fraud, and irregularities, and taking appropriate enforcement actions where necessary.
  • Public Awareness Campaigns: Launching public awareness campaigns and initiatives to educate the general public about the negative impacts of corruption on society and encourage public participation in the fight against corruption.